George & Laverne Straub – Celebrating Our Client Heroes

This is the perfect picture to capture where George and Laverne Straub want to be when they retire – travelling the world!

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And of course, hanging out with the grandbabies! They have worked hard, raised a family and now it’s time to let those retirement dreams loose as they contemplate their next phase: retirement. They are excellent examples of a hardworking family, both government employees who understand so well that to be of service is the backbone of our province.… Read the whole post...

RE: David Alport Question

David: How do I plan to provide for my family while still doing the things I love or be able to do the things I love when I can no longer work?

David, thanks for being a client hero! The personal finance section of the newspaper often discusses how people are spending too much money and taking on too much debt. What is usually not considered is the fact that some people save too much and there are consequences of … Read the whole post...

David Alport – Celebrating Our Client Heroes

413109_494487183929313_1394944085_oWhat does it feel like to have a life long dream almost within your grasp? David Alport is just a few months away from becoming a dentist so we asked him to shed some light on how this feels. (We also can’t resist his wit and humour, so he seemed like a bit of a shoe in for this month’s client hero feature.)

When we go to our dentist, or see our physician, or optometrist we often don’t think about … Read the whole post...

RE: Graham Powell Question

Graham: What are some of the variables that I should consider when assessing whether to remove some of the equity from my home and use it for other investment purposes?

Thank you for this question Graham. It seems as though you can’t open a newspaper in Canada these days without reading statements such as “overpriced housing markets”, “real estate bubble”, coupled with “Canadians having record amounts of debt”. These can be scary headlines to read when assessing our country on … Read the whole post...

Celebrating Our Client Heroes – Graham Powell

Take a ride with John Hewson in his ’65 Barracuda and he will probably have a little Harry Nillson tuned up high. Taylor is the Van Morrison, Paul Simon kind of guy where nothing is more perfect than Sunday Morning streaming on – you guessed it – Sunday morning! Connor, well he has chased Sam Roberts and a few other well loved bands all over Canada and incidentally rocked the night away on the guitar at his own wedding. All … Read the whole post...

Contact us at

201 – 2221 Cornwall Street
Regina, SK. S4P 2L1

Connor Hewson 306.209.1609
Taylor Hewson 306.209.0558
F. 1.306.500.6378

[email protected]

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