Financial Planner & Portfolio Manager CIM, CFP
When I finished the NYC marathon it made me reflect on something fundamental about myself – I’m all about the long game. I think there’s a beauty in the patience and dedication required for something like a marathon. It’s not about quick victories; you can’t prepare for it overnight, you need a plan and you need to execute the plan. Also, it’s often easier said than done. I’ve never been one for quick wins or sprinting through life; I’m captivated by the art and science of sustained effort.
What resonates with me is the journey we embark on with our clients and the bonds created. We understand that everyone’s relationship with money is unique, and unexpected twists are par for the course. Flexibility, adaptability and empathy are key as we navigate through life’s financial landscapes together.
I primarily work with physicians and their professional corporations, who also appreciate the long game! It’s about crafting and curating a plan that can adapt to the changing times while still guiding towards the lives they envision. It may sound cliché, but there’s genuine joy in being part of someone’s journey towards financial independence.
Fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a passion for learning, I make it my mission to stay at the forefront of changes in the Canadian financial planning landscape; always with my clients’ best interests in mind. I can’t resist books, podcasts, and enjoy professional networks to keep my perspective fresh and current. As CFPs and Portfolio Managers, Connor and I are held to the highest standards, and are driven by our fiduciary responsibilities. That is a choice we have made intentionally.
The community where I live, work, and raise my family holds immense significance for me. Engaging in discussions about civic and global issues is a common occurrence, and I’m always eager to explore avenues to contribute positively to our community.
Like many of our clients, ours is a busy household with a physician partner who has a zest for adventure, two little ones and a snorting pup at our heels. It is never a dull moment at home or at work. It might be a while before my next marathon, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
P.S. My brother thinks his jokes are better than mine only because he laughs harder at them ☺
Financial Planner & Portfolio Manager CIM, B.B.A.
I have always been the disruptor in the group and now it’s a trendy business term so I figure my time has come. When you work with your Dad and brother there really is no chance to hide much! I am who I am.
Being a disruptor in the financial planning industry means we do things differently. Our website doesn’t look like most, our blogs and social posts don’t scream that we are financial planners, but mostly the disruption is in how we think.
We think collaboratively. Our studio is designed to allow the free flow of ideas, recognizing that each of us has a valuable perspective. As a team we deliver our best to clients. The hub of our collaboration is always the client. And that is what drives me, and I am a driven kind of guy. It’s no longer about getting the right answer; it is finding the right solution for the individual or couple.
Over the last few years I have expanded our clientele across Western Canada. Regardless of profession or geographical location there is a universal truth – our client heroes feel more empowered when they have a financial plan that suits their needs.
And how could I write my bio without also telling you I am now a Dad. I have a whole different perspective on the words “game changer” now! (I also seem to understand my own Dad a whole lot more!)
Office Manager & Client Service Associate Dip B.Admin
Everyone else’s bio talks about family, so that is where I will start as well (even though I am the only non-family member in the company!). I know I am like so many when I say that my family and kids are everything to me. One of the most attractive aspects of working at TCM is that flexibility and work/life balance are at the core of who they are. At TCM I can be both a professional and a mom. My children have reached a more independent phase of their lives and I love to be able to support them in this exciting new journey through the teenage years.
My role at TCM continues to evolve and I have loved adding Mortgage Specialist to my credentials and my work. Buying a home is such a milestone moment in life and being involved in the financial piece of that moment is especially fulfilling.
I am a detail person. Whoever said, “it’s all about the details” was speaking directly to me! Prior to joining TCM I worked primarily in the credit union system. I loved it, and how could I not? I’m happiest when I can immerse myself in the details of client work, but also delve into another interest of mine, personal finance. Like many others, I read “The Wealthy Barber” as a young adult, and it has impacted my thinking about saving ever since.
There is an innovative spirit at the core of TCM that I find so fresh and exciting. This openness allows for a level of collaboration that sets our culture apart and suits me well. Most days, I like to think that I’m the glue that holds it together around here, and I help to keep things humming along (even if Connor can sing better than me).
TCM is my work home. We share the same values, and I feel lucky to be part of such a fun work-family. I look forward to going to work every day – and it means the world to me to be able to say that and know how true it is! I am pretty sure it doesn’t get much better than that.
Founding Partner, Consultant, B.S.W.
My dad, Phil Hewson started this company in the late 1970s because he wanted to give others a hand up. When I understood the impact he was having on others I climbed on board. I had a social work background at the time and came to realize that helping people with their financial future is as personal as it can get.
Life gets real pretty quick when you are working through a financial plan with an individual, couple, family or business. Everyone has a unique perspective and has their own story. These stories have added to mine, and my life is richer because of it. I am a life long learner and following my passion has never let me down. It is in that vein that I have once again found myself back at school. This past year I began working toward my Q.Med (Qualified Mediator) designation. It’s the melding of my social work background and my experience as a financial advisor.
I am fortunate to have two of my sons working alongside me and we have continued my Dad’s legacy as a values first company. Maybe that just sounds cliche – but it’s true for our group. The alignment of values and purpose is a very real differentiator for us. One that I am deeply proud of.
I can’t say that I grew up picturing myself in partnership of a family owned company. I can say it has been one of the greatest surprises of my life.