Celebrating Our Client Heroes – Angela Tillier
It’s a bit risky asking your former high school teacher to be your client hero. This could have been Angela’s chance to tell a few tall tales about one of us! Phew, seems like we are safe …but we never knew she was a thief?! Read on and you will be as shocked as we are! Just when you think you know a person…
Where are you from originally?
I grew up Southwest of Cypress Hills on a farm near the hamlet of Robsart. We were the last whistle stop before the Montana border!
What is your favourite quote?
Martin Luther King- “Everyone has the power for greatness, not fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.”
What is your favourite hobby?
Hands down it is golf…. Although I do enjoy working in my yard as well! Is watching the Riders a hobby?

Angela visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. Hint: she might be a Leafs fan…
What challenges did you face when transitioning from teacher at Luther to being the RHSAA Commissioner of Athletics?
Time management and being able to multi task is essential in the RHSAA office. Another major component is conflict management. Competition sometimes will do strange things to people….
What did you enjoy most about teaching at Luther?
Teaching Taylor, Connor and Megan…. Didn’t actually teach Carter but was in the building in his grade 9 year! All kidding aside it was all about the people! What a privilege to be apart of so many young students lives.
What have you learned about yourself since becoming the RHSAA Commissioner of Athletics?
You cannot please everyone!
What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I am a thief! I took the door from my old office at Luther before the renovation took place. It will hang somewhere on my property soon!
What is your top money frustration?
Not having enough of it… LOL! Not sure…. Maybe that is the problem I should know!
Money and I get along like:
A memory. I spend it and it becomes a memory!
My proudest money moment:
Being part of a fund raising project for a friend who was in need is #1. Paying off my mortgage would be #2.
Financial security to me means…
Not having to worry that money will run out when retirement comes… Being able to take a few trips to places on my bucket list.
What was your best splurge of all time?
My epic splurge was when I bought a 300 ZX on impulse when I was 28. I loved that car!! I drove it until the wheels fell off! My last splurge was a trip to San Francisco last summer.
If you could ask a financial planner any question, what would it be?
Is it better financially to dip into RRSP’s before age 65 or after?
TCM: We couldn’t resist throwing out that tantalizing intro because we loved Angela’s answers so much and we wanted to make sure you read every last one of them! She is that rare gem who faces life head on and walks the talk.
Being of service is truly her raison d’etre and it’s the common thread that runs through her professional career and personal life. That really resonates with us and we feel pretty fortunate to have crossed paths with Angela (and that she didn’t leak any incriminating stories!).
As for her question – well it’s timely for so many people and at all stages of life. Taylor is looking forward to getting into the nitty gritty of when is the best time to dip into your RRSPs. Watch for our next blog.